The lost masterpiece
ID: Qx1959Каждая примечательность имеет на сайте уникальный ID. Есть поиск по ID. Если в тексте комментария указать ID памятника, то программа автоматически превратит его в название - активную ссылку на страницу памятникаCity: Saint-Petersburg.
Added by: ПАВ, 07.05.2011 at 02:03.
Unfortunately, I got to know, that this masterpiece doesn’t exist anymore. The pictures used to be painted on the house wall, along the governmental route (Kamennoostrovsky prospect), which means being out of law, so it couldn’t have lived any longer... It’d be nice to paint it on the garage or just in the yard. Anyway, I considered it useful to save the picture for the history.
Address: Avstriyskaya square.
How to reach: 10 min on foot from Gorkovskaya metro station.
The lost masterpiece For yandex with love |
The lost masterpiece For yandex with love |
The lost masterpiece For yandex with love |
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