The mermaids on the Anichkov bridge
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Added by: Валерий-1, 27.06.2011 at 19:18.
Anichkov bridge is one of the most popular places in St.Petersburg. But I’ve been passing it hundreds of times, and never paid attention to the railing. I just knew that there must be some seahorses and mermaids depicted, but never took a careful look at them. And once I glanced at the mermaid, and was absolutely shocked. There was the woman’s body with a forked fish tail, human arms, and horse or goat legs with the hooves. The railing was created in 1822-1824 by K. Shinkel. I’ve read that this railing copies the Berlin Palace Bridge railing. Nowadays there’re only 4 sections from the 20 that are real. All the others were reconstructed in 1940s and 1990s.
Address: Anichkov bridge.
How to reach: 3 min on foot from Gostiny Dvor metro station.

![]() The mermaids on the Anichkov bridge For yandex with love |
![]() The mermaids on the Anichkov bridge For yandex with love |
![]() The mermaids on the Anichkov bridge For yandex with love |
![]() The mermaids on the Anichkov bridge For yandex with love |

Orio, (28.06.2011 at 01:17) 1— У русалок, кажется, тоже виды существуют. Нужно уточнить. Это существо может как-то по другому ещё называться.
Валерий-1, (06.07.2011 at 22:54) 2
— Добавляю свои фото. Морские коньки воспринимаются более естественно, чем русалки с копытами. И это очень странно, словно русалок с копытами никто не видел, а кони с рыбьими хвостами плавают по Неве ежедневно.
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