Travel Palace in Strelna
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Added by: Надежда*, 04.01.2011 at 22:55.
Surprisingly, even one of Peter the First’s palaces is still not widely known – it is the Travel palace, the first building in Strelna, which has been remained up to our days since the Peter’s times. The palace construction was started in 1710 (1711). The palace served as a place of rest on the way to Kronstadt or Peterhof. Now the palace is completely renovated, and also the park and fountains of Rastrelli are restored. Among the museum exhibits there are Peter's lifetime portrait, print of a hand of the emperor, a daily suit, and a scrappy blanket hand made by the empress Catherine I. Next to the palace there is a garden with beehives and a kitchen garden where there grows potato of three sorts – according to the legend, brought by Peter I.
Address: 2, settlement of the Hospital Hill, Strelna.
How to reach: from Avtovo metro station by any transport to Peterhof.

![]() Travel Palace in Strelna For yandex with love |

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