Museum of the History of K. May School
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Added by: marinesik, 12.08.2011 at 14:58.
A wonderful museum is located within the walls of the St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation. The exposition is dedicated to the history of the school, which was opened by some German families in 1856. It was led by a talented teacher K. I. May. The primary school motto was: "First love - then teach." There were being studied here children of Gagarins, Eliseevs, Roerichs, Benoits...
The history of this school you can learn by visiting this museum. It's worth it.
Address: 39, 14th line of Vasilievsky Island.
How to reach: Vasileostrovskaya metro station, a rather long 10-minute walk.
Museum of the History of K. May School For yandex with love |
Museum of the History of K. May School For yandex with love |
Museum of the History of K. May School For yandex with love |
Museum of the History of K. May School For yandex with love |
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