Museum photo shop of C. Bulla
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Added by: Надежда*, 22.04.2011 at 18:55.
The museum is situated over there in the third floor, but you already see the photographs when you are going upstairs. There’s a working photo studio, where you can have a picture of you wearing an old costume. The museum consists of the exhibitions of the old pictures of the end of XIX – the beginning of XX centuries, photo portraits, and also the exhibitions of the modern photographers. Currently, there’s the exhibition of the French photographers, devoted to the popular dancer Vladimir Vasiliev.
Carl Bulla bought this house on 54 Nevsky Prospect in 1906, but he started working as a professional photographer in 1875. And in 1886 he was permitted by the Ministry of Home Affairs to produce any sort of photography outdoors, i.e. in the streets, flats, and the nearest surroundings of St. Petersburg. This permission enabled him to start in 1894 printing the postcards, and since 1897 Carl Bulla’s pictures were being printed in a popular “Niva” magazine. Since then his name got popular all over Russia.
There are two old cameras in the exhibition: the stationary one, for the studio, and another one for candid shots. There’s a perfect view on Nevsky Prospect and Sadovaya Street, the city roofs and domes from the museum windows, and especially from its balcony. There’s also the exhibition of the old erotic pictures in the little room in the fourth floor (by the way, they are absolutely innocent comparing to the contemporary standards). The museum itself is very cozy, and has got a perfect atmosphere.
Address: 54 Nevsky Prospect.
How to reach: Gostiny Dvor metro station.
Museum photo shop of C. Bulla For yandex with love |
Museum photo shop of C. Bulla For yandex with love |
Museum photo shop of C. Bulla For yandex with love |
Museum photo shop of C. Bulla For yandex with love |
(no title) For yandex with love |
(no title) For yandex with love |
(no title) For yandex with love |
(no title) For yandex with love |
(no title) For yandex with love |
(no title) For yandex with love |
Не могу молчать!, (22.04.2011 at 19:53) 0— Надежда, а подскажите, пожалуйста, поподробнее:"Музей состоит из выставок старинных фотографий конца XIX - начала XX века" что конкретно на этих фото- дореволюционный Питер? Архитектура? Улицы? А из фотопортретов- богема начала века? Сколько, приблизительно занимает осмотр экспозиции? Заранее спасибо за информацию :)
Не могу молчать, (22.04.2011 at 19:57) 1
— Вот такие виды видеть каждый день... Выходить сразу на Невский :)
ПАВ, (22.04.2011 at 22:34) 0
— Хорошая достопримечательность. Виды там красивые, если на самый верх подняться, на Невский и на Екатерину...
Надежда*, (23.04.2011 at 14:28) 2
— Не могу молчать, Есть фото Шаляпина, Комиссаржевской, групповые фото депутатов Думы, безымянные люди. Осмотр 30-60 мин, в зависимости от настроения.
Не м.м., (23.04.2011 at 15:39) 1
— Спасибо большое за уточнение!С наступающим праздником! :)
admin, (25.04.2011 at 11:52) 1
— Прекрасная галерея. Спасибо за рассказ, Надежда*!
GALI, (06.05.2011 at 13:28) 1
— Экспозиция меняется 1 раз в месяц.
Женечка13, (30.07.2011 at 19:02) 1
— Ооочень заинтересовало. Обязательно схожу)
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