Bridges in Alexandrovskii park
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Added by: Валерий-1, 03.07.2011 at 01:15.
These bridges may not be the smallest bridges in St. Petersburg but undoubtedly ones of the smallest. They are made from granite slabs. They bestrides over the groove full of water in rainy times. The groove itself attracts the attention, like all the other St. Petersburg basins its banks are dressed in granite. It connects two little ponds, one look a little bit like heart and the other has something like former fountain.
Address: Alexandrovskii park.
How to reach: from Gorkovskaya metro station 3 min on foot.
Bridges in Alexandrovskii park For yandex with love |
Bridges in Alexandrovskii park For yandex with love |
Bridges in Alexandrovskii park For yandex with love |
Bridges in Alexandrovskii park For yandex with love |
Bridges in Alexandrovskii park For yandex with love |
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