Amateurs of pure water.
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Added by: Татьяна_, 12.04.2010 at 19:44.
Here you can see two main sights devoted to water.
One of them is a swimming pool with a mosaic elephant.
As the inscription on the board of the pool says the elephant likes pure water?
You will also find here a “holy source” that visited the family of Russian tsar Nicolay II was used to visit. Yury Ivanov, a local ethnographer, says that this source was held by Peter Badmayev, a Russian public figure. His farmstead was nearby and he invited Russian tsar’s family. Also there is a lake called Small Linder where a bath for disabled children was organized.
Both the swimming pool and the source are desolated. Water in the lake nearby the source is polluted by rubbish. The swimming pool is empty and dirty… Apparently that made harm to an the elephant and his mosaics has peeled…
Anyway there are some summer photos that seem to be not so sad?
Address: 100, Morisa Toreza street.

![]() Amateurs of pure water. For yandex with love |
![]() Amateurs of pure water. For yandex with love |
![]() Amateurs of pure water. For yandex with love |
![]() Amateurs of pure water. For yandex with love |

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Миша, (18.04.2010 at 11:57) 0
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