The Leningrad rock club

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City: Saint-Petersburg.

Added by: Надя, 19.01.2011 at 13:30.

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The Leningrad rock club

For yandex with love
Rating:  + 37 (38 votes)
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The Leningrad rock club is a legendary place ranking with "Kamchatka" and a wall of Tsoy on Arbat. The house #13 along the Rubinshteina Street always was creative: Petersburg meeting of artists (1870s), Editorial Office of the Magazine of the Ministry of National Education (1850s — 1860s), the Capital Artistic Circle (1886—1892) (later — 1892—1901, — the Petersburg Theatrical Circle), P. M. Iozefovich's (1906—1918) Grammar school, V. E. Meierhold's Studio (autumn 1913 — autumn 1914) were situated in this house at various times.

Aquarium, Picnic, Alisa, Televizor, Kino, Pop Mechanics, Nol – all of them are from here, from the Leningrad rock club. DDT - a band originated from Ufa was that to say born for the second time in Leningrad rock club.

By the way, the round tablet with the house number hangs now in "Kamchatka".

Address: 13 Rubinshteina Street.

How to reach: Dostoevskaya, Vladimirskaya metro stations.

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Tags: The bestутраченокультовое местоклуб

The Leningrad rock club
The Leningrad rock club For yandex with love
The Leningrad rock club
The Leningrad rock club For yandex with love
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Максим, (25.01.2011 at 15:42) 3
— "на Рубинштейна, 13 я был второй раз рожден"

Надя, (25.01.2011 at 16:15) 0
— Да-да, именно так!)

Максим, (25.01.2011 at 16:17) 0
— приедут к нам 4 марта =)

Вит, (03.02.2011 at 08:14) 0
— В последний раз когда были - Рубинштейна 13 было полностью демонтировано. Закрашен туннельчик, памятные стенки, дверь рок-клуба изъята и заделана, даже адресная табличка над входом во двор снята.

Елена, (17.09.2011 at 00:26) 0
— Теперь во дворе этого дома ВСЁ закрашено розовой красочкой. Не оставили ни одной надписи.

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