Kikiny palaty
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Added by: Garry2001, 19.05.2011 at 13:25.
Kikiny palaty is one of the oldest buildings in Petersburg, but not a very famous and popular architecture monument. This house belonged to Alexander Kikin, admiral-councillor and confederate of Peter I. It was built in 1714-1720. In 1718 Kikin was executed for organizing tsarevich Aleksei Petrovich’s escape and his house was given to public treasury. In 1719 – 1727 there situated Peter’s Kunstkamera collection and Peter the First’s private library. The building was twice rebuilt. During the siege of Leningrad Kikiny palaty suffered a lot, but in 1952 – 1956 it was restored in origin by the architect Irina Benoit.
Address: 9, Stavropolskaya street.
How to reach: Chernyshevskaya metro station.

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