The church serving the Armed Forces of RF

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City: Saint-Petersburg.

Added by: ПАВ, 07.05.2011 at 02:51.

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The church serving the Armed Forces of RF

For yandex with love
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Let’s remember some history. The church was built on the money left by Matvey Kirin, the skipper of Row Force. It was 76 thousand rubles. It was decided to build up the church in honor of the coronation of Nicolas II, so the Emperor gave 25 thousand rubles more for the building. The works started in 1888, and the church was blessed a year later.

But nowadays there’s a training station for the submariners. Inside a church there’s a vertical shaft reaching the dome, filled with water. The students are floating up in there, as if they’re ascending under the dome, to God, even just according to the Archimedes' Law of Buoyancy. The ascending is being done in the diving suit ISP-60 and the breathing system IDA-59. The entrance into the water is organized based on the principle of the submarines: through the torpedo apparatus, or the lock chamber.

The Church insisted on the cathedral being returned to it, but after the “Kursk” submarine accident, gave up on this idea. The possibility for the trainings of the divers-wreckers was considered to be pleasing to God. The most surprising point is, that there are still the prayer services held on Sundays in the church.

Address: 100 Bolshoy pr. of Basil island.

How to reach: 30 min on foot from Vasileostrovskaya metro station.

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Tags: византийский стильцерковьдом с историейучебное заведениеособое место

The church serving the Armed Forces of RF
The church serving the Armed Forces of RF For yandex with love
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admin, (10.05.2011 at 18:10) 2
— ПАВ, вот это чудо! :-)) После вашего рассказа сразу захотелось зайти туда и посмотреть одним глазком на барокамеру.

Кирилл, (17.05.2011 at 20:46) 1
— Давно пора военных из храма Косякова выселить!

Dunaeww, (17.05.2011 at 22:17) -2
— Кирилл - не богохульствуйте, не так данный храм называется! А вот военных выселять из него отказалась сама РПЦ! Денег и времени на восстановления храма не собрать, а налаженную годами систему обучения подводников загубить можно одним росчирком пера!

dilidon, (07.07.2011 at 19:51) 1
— Dunaeww, Вас. А. Косяков и Д. К. Пруссак - это гражданские инженеры, которые придумали и строили церковь

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