Frigate “Shtandart”

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City: Saint-Petersburg.

Added by: Irinayam, 06.02.2010 at 02:39.

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Frigate “Shtandart”

For yandex with love
Rating:  + 13 (11 votes)
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It is a modern replica of legendary frigate “Shtandart” (though it differs a little bit from the original one). Frigate “Shtandart” was the first ship of Baltic navy built according to the order of Peter the Great. It stands here during the winter and has its own museum, so one can examine and touch all the parts of ropes and the ship. You can also register as a member of a crew.

The frigate takes part in some holidays; it even became a symbol of “Scarlet Sales” holiday, the wide scale celebration of school leaving.

Address: 10, Shkipers’ protok.

How to reach: from metro station “Primorskaya” by surface transportation, stop “Lenexpo” .

Previous versions

Tags: корабль-парусник

Frigate “Shtandart”
Frigate “Shtandart” For yandex with love
Frigate “Shtandart”
Frigate “Shtandart” For yandex with love
Frigate “Shtandart”
Frigate “Shtandart” For yandex with love
Frigate “Shtandart”
Frigate “Shtandart” For yandex with love
Frigate “Shtandart”
Frigate “Shtandart” For yandex with love
Frigate “Shtandart”
Frigate “Shtandart” For yandex with love
Frigate “Shtandart”
Frigate “Shtandart” For yandex with love
Frigate “Shtandart”
Frigate “Shtandart” For yandex with love
Frigate “Shtandart”
Frigate “Shtandart” For yandex with love
Frigate “Shtandart”
Frigate “Shtandart” For yandex with love
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Irinayam, (06.02.2010 at 02:40) 0

Frigate “Shtandart”

Inola, (06.02.2010 at 15:29) 0
— Вот он какой, фрегат с алыми парусами. Не знала, спасибо. Мне всегда интересно было, что же это за кораблик и где он стоит в свободное от выпускного время :)

Марк, (16.02.2010 at 19:24) 1

Frigate “Shtandart”

Марк, (16.02.2010 at 19:25) 0

Frigate “Shtandart”

Марк, (16.02.2010 at 19:25) 2

Frigate “Shtandart”

Марк, (16.02.2010 at 19:26) 1

Frigate “Shtandart”

Марк, (16.02.2010 at 19:27) 1

Frigate “Shtandart”

Марк, (16.02.2010 at 19:27) 0

Frigate “Shtandart”

Марк, (16.02.2010 at 19:29) 0

Frigate “Shtandart”

Валерий Огородников, (19.06.2010 at 18:28) 0
— Сегодня ночью фрегат можно будет увидеть на празднике "Алые паруса"!

dilidon, (23.05.2011 at 17:54) 1
— С фрегатом "Штандарт" свои трудности . Он "не соответствует большинству международных конвенций в области мореплавания, участником которых является наша страна" - заявляют в Северо-Западном управлении государственного морского и речного надзора.

"Штандарт " был на празднике "Секретом " в 2005—2007гг
в 2008 г - парусник "Мир" и "Юный балтиец";
в 2009 г -снова "Штандарт";
На празднике 2010 года роль "Секрета" исполнил шведский парусник Tre Kronor («Три короны»).
2011 - не знаю (((.

Вилка, (12.10.2011 at 21:48) 0
— Сейчас он уже за границей.
В Голландии.

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