The Photo Race (Petersburg)
ID: Qx2792Каждая примечательность имеет на сайте уникальный ID. Есть поиск по ID. Если в тексте комментария указать ID памятника, то программа автоматически превратит его в название - активную ссылку на страницу памятникаCity: Saint-Petersburg.
Added by: dilidon, 19.07.2011 at 23:28.
Perhaps, you have heard about The Running City, Runaways, thematic city racings, PhotoOne or some other running sort of city competition. There are lots of other ones, related to the Photo Race. You can meet the same people on these events.
So, Photo Race came to our country in 2004. Since then the movement has been growing, developing and acquiring some interesting related events.
In the night from 23 to 24 of July in Petersburg the Photo Race takes place for the 17th time. The Night Photo Race is a nice occasion to walk across the favourite city during the white nights.
The first Night Photo Race (the 4th Photo Race) took place for the first time on July, 1-2, 2005.
The best option to know better about the Photo Race is to read about in on the Wikipedia or some other site on the Internet. But even better will be simply to take part in the Race once and surely you will return to this nice atmosphere, people and not once. There you can check your creative imagination, readiness and ability to think in a non-standard way, react quickly, and work in team, etc.
Address: the fountain at the Admiralty – here the Race starts.
How to reach: along Nevsky prospect by transport.
The Photo Race (Petersburg) For yandex with love |
Татьяна_, (20.07.2011 at 10:35) 1— Ага, мы тоже не раз участвовали в этом замечательном мероприятии, но в этом году на ночной фотокросс - увы! - не попадаем, накладывается на другие соревнования...
admin, (21.07.2011 at 11:37) 0
— dilidon, вы так вдохновенно написали! :-)) Теперь точно пойдём и попробуем этот ночной Фотокросс.
dilidon, (07.04.2012 at 09:24) 0
— Ах, забыла написать вовремя, простите . СЕГОДНЯ 7.04.12 очередной фотокросс
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