Milk-girl from Okhta

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City: Saint-Petersburg.

Added by: Елена Егорова, 02.08.2010 at 14:58.

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For yandex with love
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In past times when there were no supermarkets in our city, townspeople often used deliverymen. What a variety of items did they sell! Sweets and quass, fish and meat, books and dry goods, bread and milk. The area of Okhta was famous for the tasty milk. Dairy "business" was mostly carried out by Finnish women; one of them was eternalized by A. S. Pushkin in "Evgeny Onegin". "... see with their jugs the milk-girls go and crisply crunch the morning snow."... And in 2003, on the poet’s birthday a monument to the milk-girl was established in the garden "Neva" in Okhta district. Sculptors - V. Sveshnikov, Y. Neyman, S. Korolenko, V. Morozov.

Address: Garden "Neva", crossing of Revolutsii highway and Sredneohtensky Prospect..

How to reach: Metro station "Novocherkasskaya", minibuses № 6, 83, 289, 274, bus № 174.

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Tags: девушкапродавец

Milk-girl from Okhta
Milk-girl from Okhta For yandex with love
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(no title) For yandex with love
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(no title) For yandex with love
Milk-girl from Okhta
Milk-girl from Okhta For yandex with love
Milk-girl from Okhta
Milk-girl from Okhta For yandex with love
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Валерий, (02.08.2010 at 15:16) 1
— Фоту в студию!!!

yourmary, (02.08.2010 at 15:28) 0

Milk-girl from Okhta

yourmary, (02.08.2010 at 15:30) 0
— еще можно доехать от пл.Ленина, на автобусах/маршрутках 106, 37 и не только. Ориентироваться на ТЦ Орловский, она прямо перед ним стоит.

Galin, (20.03.2011 at 13:13) 0
— После постройки тц очарование памятника пропало. Хоть бы догадались его в парк перенести.

Катерина, (19.05.2011 at 08:39) 1
— Недавно узнала, что её всё же планируют переносить.

Нюша, (10.08.2013 at 13:27) 0
— Рядом с "Охтинкой" появилась вот такая парочка.Угол ш.Революции 16 и Среднеохтинского.
Milk-girl from Okhta

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