Marvels on the walking street
ID: Qx1685Каждая примечательность имеет на сайте уникальный ID. Есть поиск по ID. Если в тексте комментария указать ID памятника, то программа автоматически превратит его в название - активную ссылку на страницу памятникаCity: Saint-Petersburg.
Added by: dilidon, 09.04.2011 at 14:34.
Another surprise was given after a walk along the walking street of Vasileostrovskiy district. While passing by the monument to Vasiliy the bombardier, you also should come under the house no 32 arch. The arch walls leading into the yard are painted in a rather modest but worthy style. The watch near the closed gates didn't succeed – I couldn't get further. What a pity... So, can just admire the photo, made just behind the grate. And wait till some of us manage to squeeze into the guarded territory and take another photo)))
Address: 7th line of Vasilevskiy Island, 32.
How to reach: "Vasileostrovskaya" metro station.
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Marvels on the walking street For yandex with love |
Валерий, (09.04.2011 at 16:21) 1— ЗдОрово!
Надя, (11.04.2011 at 10:41) 1
— dilidon, вы открываете мне все новый и новый Васильевский!
dilidon, (11.04.2011 at 10:56) 2
— То же самое я могу сказать большинству авторов - и спасибо им за это. Короче, это судьба ))) За нас, ЛЮБОБЫТНЫХ и ГЛАЗАСТЫХ !
GALI, (26.05.2011 at 21:51) 1
— Свеженькие!Вот и берегут. Спасибо что показали.
Иван-1, (04.02.2012 at 09:24) 0
— Редкий пример позитивной настенной росписи
Валерий-1, (01.08.2012 at 03:28) 6
dilidon, (01.08.2012 at 23:59) 1
— Ура, Валерий-1 ( вот кто ИЗ НАШИХ просочился в укрепрайон )))!!! Спасибо, действительно оно того стоило !
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